The Executive Board

The Board of Directors consists of five renowned personalities from the field of medicine, each appointed for a period of four years, as well as the elected spokesperson of the Scientific Advisory Board in an advisory capacity. If one of the Board members leaves, a new Board member is elected by a simple majority of the remaining Board members until the end of the respective four-year cycle. The members of the Board of Directors elect the Chairman and Deputy Chairman from among their number by a majority of their members. The members of the Executive Board work on a voluntary basis.

Prof. Dr. med. Ivo Meinhold-Heerlein

Director of the Women’s Clinic

University Hospital Giessen and Marburg GmbH, Giessen site
Klinikstr. 33
35385 Giessen

Phone: +49 641-985 45100
Fax: +49 641-985 45109

Personal details

Nationality: German
Place of birth: Mainz
Marital status: married, 3 sons
Denomination: Evangelical-Lutheran

Academic status

Title: Professor Dr. med. habil.
Licensed: July 01, 1996 (Baden-Württemberg)
Ggw. Position: Director of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics at the
Giessen and Marburg University Hospital, Giessen site
Doctorate: “Establishment of the technique of non-radioactive in-situ hybridization in
Normal tissue using the example of human skin. University Women’s Hospital
(Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, 1996)
Habilitation: “Mechanisms for overcoming resistance to chemotherapy and
Identification of new molecular markers of ovarian cancer”
(Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, 2007)


Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics
University Hospital Giessen and Marburg – Giessen site
Klinikstrasse 33
D – 35392 Giessen
Tel. +49-641-985-45100
Fax +49-641-985-45109

Professional career

1989-1996 Studied human medicine at the Medical University of Lübeck and the
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
1996-1998 Internship and research assistant at the University Women’s Clinic
Freiburg (Directors: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Pfleiderer and Prof. Dr. Meinert Breckwoldt)
1999-2001 Research Fellow The Burnham Institute / La Jolla Cancer Research Center, San Diego,
California, USA (Prof. Dr. John C. Reed)
07-12/2001 Research associate and assistant physician in the Department of
Gynecology and Gynecologic Oncology at the University Hospital Bonn
(Director: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauknecht)
2002-2007 Research associate and assistant physician at the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics
Obstetrics at the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein – Campus Kiel (Director:
Prof. Dr. Walter Jonat)
2005-2006 Assistant speaker of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics of the
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein – Campus Kiel
04/2006 Recognition as a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics
2006-2008 Deputy Head of the Kiel School of Gynaecological Endoscopy at the clinic
for Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein –
Campus Kiel (certified by the Gynaecological Endoscopy Working Group
Training Center) (Mentor: Prof. Dr. Liselotte Mettler)
06/2007 Appointment as senior physician at the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics at the
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein – Campus Kiel
06/2008 MIC III qualification of the Gynecologic Endoscopy Working Group in the
German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
2008 Senior staff physician at the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics at the
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein – Campus Kiel
Since 01/2009 Deputy Director of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics at the
University Hospital Aachen (Director: Prof. Dr. Nicolai Maass). Function of the
Senior staff physician for the coordination of senior and assistant physicians
03/2009 Acquisition of the specialty designation “Special obstetrics and
Perinatal medicine”
05/2010- Establishment and management of the Endometriosis Center Aachen (level III certification)
by the Endometriosis Research Foundation and the Endometriosis Association e. V.)
09/2011 Certificate as a Console Surgeon for Robotic Surgery – Da Vinci Surgical System (Prof.
Dr. Rainer Kimmig and EEC, Paris)
11/2013 Obtained the specialty designation “Gynecological Oncology”
11/2013 Re-certification MIC III of the working group for gynecological endoscopy in the
German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (certificate until 2018)
04/2014 Masterclass Robotic Surgery (Prof. Dr. Jan Persson, Lund / Sweden)
1/2014 Member of the Board of Directors of the Euregional Comprehensive Cancer Center Aachen
04-09/2015 Acting Director of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics at the
University Hospital RWTH Aachen
3/2016 Certification of the gynecological cancer center by Onko- and EQ-Zert
3/2016 Participation in the spring course of the Leipzig School of Radical Pelvic Surgery
1/2018 Obtaining the specialty title “Gynecological Endocrinology and
Reproductive medicine”
4/2018- Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University Hospital
Giessen-Marburg – Giessen site
08/2019 Re-re-certification MIC III of the Gynecological Endoscopy Working Group in
of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (certificate until 2024)
05/2023 Certificate of the International Society of Neuropelveology (ISON) Level II

Other professional activities

2005, 2007 Palliative medicine basic course and advanced course Limburg (Prof. Dr. Eberhard Klaschik)
10-11/2007 Advanced training in gynecologic-oncologic laparoscopy at Galaxy Laparascopy
Institute (Nanal Hospital), Pune, India (Director: Prof. Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar)
2006, 2008, live operator at the 56, 57. and 58th Congress of the German Society
2010 for gynecology and obstetrics in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich
10-11/2009 Internship in gynaecological oncology (focus on cervical cancer); mentor and live surgeon for laparoscopic gynaecological operations at the Groote Schuur Hospital of the University of Cape Town, South Africa (Director: Prof. Dr. Lynette Denny)
11/2009 Live operator at the African Cancer Congress (AORTIC) in Dar-Es-Salaam,
2010, 2011 Head of the international Aachen laparoscopy and hysteroscopy courses in the
within the framework of GalaGSES (a cooperation project of the University Women’s Clinics
Giessen and Aachen and the Galaxy Care Laparoscopy Institute Pune, India)
02/2010 Internship in gynecological oncology (focus on ovarian cancer) at the Clinic for
Gynecology and gynecological oncology at the Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken Wiesbaden
(Director: Prof. Dr. Andreas du Bois)
01/2022 Member of the FIGO Committee of Minimal Access Surgery
01/2023 Vice Chair of the FIGO Committee of Minimal Access Surgery

Scientific qualification

1999-2001 Scholarship holder of the German Cancer Aid (Mildred Scheel Scholarship) with Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. H. H.
Dr. John C. Reed at the Burnham Institute / La Jolla Cancer Research Center, La Jolla –
San Diego, USA. Topic of the project: “Receptors and ligands of the TNF family
and chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer”.
2002-2008 Research group leader in the Oncology Laboratory I of the University Women’s Hospital Kiel and
Investigator of clinical studies (Anatax study, GemDoc study, Gemcitabine02 study,
Yew tree trial)
2003-2005 Head of the project: “Mechanisms for overcoming apoptosis resistance and
Identification of new molecular markers of ovarian cancer” supports the
as part of the Max Eder Program of German Cancer Aid.
01/2006 Opening of the habilitation procedure with a lecture at the
Biomedical Colloquium of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel with the
Topic: “Mechanisms for overcoming apoptosis resistance and identifying
New molecular marker of ovarian cancer”
Since 04/2006 Member of the Subboard “Translational Research” of the German Breast Group
Since 09/2006 Member of the Advisory Board of “Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics”
04/2007 Habilitation after acceptance of the trial lecture “Von der Palliation zur Prävention:
Cervical carcinoma in the age of HPV vaccination” by the Faculty of Medicine
of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
05/2007 Inaugural lecture “You shall bear your child in pain – obstetrics and childbirth”.
Gynaecology in the Bible”. Award of the Venia Legendi for Gynecology and
Obstetrics and appointment as a private lecturer.
Since 01/2009 Clinical Head of Molecular Oncology at the Clinic for Gynecology and Gynecology
Obstetrics at the University Hospital RWTH Aachen
Since 10/2009 Member of the Ovarian Organ Commission of the Gynecology Working Group
Oncology (AGO)
05/2010 Rehabilitation at the Medical Faculty of RWTH Aachen University
Member of the AGO’s Translational Research Commission since 04/2011
05/2012 Appointment as adjunct professor at the Medical Faculty of the
RWTH Aachen
Since 2012, initiator and co-organizer of the GynOnkoLive surgical symposium together with the
Essen-Mitte Clinics and the Charité University Hospital Berlin
02/2013 Investigator certificate AMG for clinical studies, recertified 2022
03/2013 Investigator certificate MPG for clinical studies, recertified 2022
01/2014 Member of the advisory board of the Endometriosis Research Foundation e. V.
02/2014 Section Editor “Current Obstetrics and Gynecology Reports”
05/2014 Appointment as Associate Honorary Professor at the University of Cape Town
01/2015 Associate Editor of “Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics”
05/2015 Placement on the list in the appointment procedure for the W3 university professorship for
Obstetrics and Gynecology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
6/2017 Acceptance of the appointment to the W2 professorship for Gynecologic Oncology at the RWTH
Aachen and appointment as university professor
4/2018 Acceptance of appointment to the W3 professorship for gynecology at Justus Liebig University Giessen and appointment as university professor
06/2023 Admission to the board of the Endometriosis Research Foundation (SEF)


1999-2001 Scholarship holder of the German Cancer Aid (Mildred Scheel Scholarship) with Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. H. H.
Dr. John C. Reed at the Burnham Institute / La Jolla Cancer Research Center, La Jolla –
San Diego, USA. Investigations into apoptosis mechanisms in ovarian cancer
with the topic: “Receptors and ligands of the TNF family and
Chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer”.
2003-2005 Head of the project: “Mechanisms for overcoming apoptosis resistance and
Identification of new molecular markers of ovarian cancer” supports as
Scholarship holder of the Max Eder Program of the German Cancer Aid.

Science prizes

2003 Staude-Pfannenstiel Prize of the North German Society of Gynecology and Gynecology
2004 Poster prize of the North German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
2004 1st Poster Prize of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
2006 Lecture prize of the North German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
2006 GebFra Prize of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
2007 Lecture Award of the Commission for Translational Research of the Working Group
Gynecologic oncology (AGO)
2008 Hans Frangenheim Prize d. Working Group for Gynecologic Endoscopy (AGE)
2010 Dr. Rockstroh Prize of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
2022 Lecture prize of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics

Membership of scientific committees

Ovarian Organ Commission of the Association of Gynecologic Oncology (AGO)
Commission for Translational Research of the Association of Gynecologic Oncology (AGO)
Scientific Advisory Board of the Endometriosis Research Foundation
Editorial Board BioMedRes International
Associate Editor Archives Gynecology and Obstetrics

Other activities

Member of the Limburg Cathedral Orchestra as a flautist since 1987.
since 1990 Founding member and 1st chairman of the non-profit organization
Landesjugendorchester-Förderkreises e. V. Rheinland-Pfalz
2009 Initiator of the partnership between the University Women’s Hospitals Aachen and Cape Town in the
As part of the Agenda 21 partnership between the cities of Aachen and Cape Town with
Project focus in the township of Kayelitsha
Member of the project advisory board of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Music Council since 2014

Prof. Dr. med. L. Kiesel

Former Director of the University Women’s Hospital Münster
Head of the Endometriosis Center of the Women’s Clinic

University Women’s Hospital Münster
Albert Schweitzer Str. 33
48149 Münster

Phone: +49 251-83-4 82 01
Fax: +49 251-83 4 82 67

Curriculum vitae Prof. Dr. med. Ludwig Kiesel
Birthday: October 28, 1956


1975 – 1978 Medical studies in Heidelberg
1978 – 1979 Royal Free Hospital Medical School, University of London (scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation)
Doctoral thesis at the University Women’s Clinic in Heidelberg Licensed to practice medicine
1981-1982 Research fellowship from the German Research Foundation at the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA
American state examination (ECFMG)

Professional career

1983 – 1989 Specialist training at the University Women’s Clinic in Heidelberg
1989 Specialist certification for gynecology and obstetrics
1990 Habilitation thesis
1992 – 2000 Senior physician at the University Women’s Hospital Tübingen (Medical Director: Prof. Dr. med. H. A. Hirsch)
1996 Obtained optional further training
– in special operative gynecology
– in special obstetrics
– in gynecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine
1996 – 2000 Managing Senior Physician and later Senior Physician at the University Women’s Hospital Tübingen (Medical Director Prof. Dr. D. Wallwiener)
since 2000 Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, Münster University Hospital

Other official functions

Chairman of the Scientific Endometriosis Foundation (SEF)
Board member of the World Endometriosis Society (WES)

Past-President of the German Menopause Society
Board member of the Umbrella Organization for Reproductive Medicine (DVR)
1st Chairman of the Tumor Center Münsterland e.V.
Board member of the German Society for Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine
Member of the guideline commission of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
Member of the Editorial Board Journal of Endometriosis

Scholarships and awards

1975 Von Schmitz award (best year in the school)
1976 – 1981 Member of the German National Academic Foundation
1978 – 1979 Scholarship from the Studienstiftung, Royal Free Medical School London, England
1981 European Research Award of the Japanese Medical Society
1981 – 1982 Research fellowship from the German Research Foundation at the National Institutes of Health,
Reproduction and Research Branch (Dir.: Prof. Dr. Kevin J. Catt), Bethesda, USA
1982 Lecture fellowship from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA
1986 Schoeller-Junkmann Prize of the German Society for Endocrinology
1987 Hugo Husslein Prize of the Austrian Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
1991 Julius-Redel-Prize of the University of Heidelberg (Habilitation Prize of the Medical Faculty)
1991 Endometriosis Research Prize of the Scientific Endometriosis Foundation
1992 Poster prize of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
2010 Awarded the Semmelweis Medal of the Hungarian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics the Semmelweis Medal together with honorary membership of the Society for services in the field of international cooperation.

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. K.-W. Schweppe

Former Director of the Ammerland Women’s Clinic and Head of the Ammerland Endometriosis Center

Ammerland Women’s Clinic
Lange Strasse 38
26655 Westerstede

Phone: +49 4488 – 50 3230
Fax: +49 4488 – 50 3999

03.05.1947 born in Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, married, two children

1966 – 1971 Medical studies in Münster and Vienna, state examination in Münster

1969 – 1976 Scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation; academic work at the Institute for the History of Medicine in Münster, the Institute for the History of Medicine in Vienna and the Institute for the History of Medicine and Medical Sociology in Munich.

1972 – 1973 Medical assistant at the hospital in Halle/Westphalia.

1973 – 1974 Basic military service as a staff physician at the Air Force Medical Institute in Fürstenfeldbruck and at the Air Force Medical Corps in Diepholz.

1974 – 1978 Training as a doctor of gynecology and obstetrics at the academic teaching hospital in Herford and at the University of Freiburg. Women’s clinic in Münster

1979 – 1980 Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Department of Pathology at the University of Little Rock, USA.

1.12.1980 Appointment as senior physician at the University Women’s Clinic Münster

1.2.1983 Venia legendi for the subject of gynecology and obstetrics Subject of the habilitation thesis: Endometriosis: Morphological and endocrinological studies with special consideration of the hormonal influence of this disease.

25.11.1983 Awarded the “Pfannenstiel-Staude Prize” of the Northwest German Society of Gynecology for her scientific and clinical work.

1984 – 1996 Collaboration with Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. vet. h.c. K. Semm and Prof. Dr. med. A. E. Schindler scientific editor of the training journal “Endometriosis”.

from 1.7.1984 – 30. 6. 2009 Chief Physician of the Women’s Clinic Ammerland, Academic Teaching Hospital of the University of Göttingen, 26655 Westerstede. Establishment of a special endometriosis consultation hour, the focus for endoscopic operations ( and the interdisciplinary endometriosis treatment center at the Ammerland Clinic (

from 1.7.2009 – 31.1.2016 Head of the Endometriosis Center Ammerland, certified level III (clinical-scientific endometriosis center)

1988 – 2004 and 2013 – 2016 Chairman of the Endometriosis Research Foundation (

1997 – 2001 Board member of the “European Endometriosis Information Center”

Since 1997 Medical Advisory Board of the “Endometriose Vereinigung Deutschland e. V.” (

1998 – 2006 Council of the World Endometriosis Society

2004 Honorary doctorate from the University of Iasu (Romania) for international achievements in the field of endometriosis research

2005 Member of the European Endometriosis League

2006 1st chairman of the North German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics – since 2008 permanent secretary of the NGGG

2006 Honorary member of the Endometriosis Association Germany e.V.

Since 2007 Chairman of the Certification Commission for Endometriosis Centers of the SEF, EEL and EVD

2009 “Golden Laparoscope”: Award from the Gynecological Endoscopy Working Group for clinical and scientific work in the field of minimally invasive surgery

2013 Honorary member of the North German Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology

Scientific work:
Over 120 scientific publications in German and international journals on the topics of sonography, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, contraception, gynecological endocrinology and endometriosis. Author and co-author of over 40 book contributions in German and English. Editor and co-editor of 12 books in the field of gynecology. Author of two scientific films on the subject of endometriosis. Over 150 scientific presentations at national and international congresses and over 210 presentations at gynecological / obstetric training events in Germany and abroad.

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Monika Wölfler

Head of the University Competence Unit Endometriosis

Women’s Clinic of the Medical University of Graz
Focus on gyn. Endocrinology and reproductive medicine
Auenbrugger Platz 14
8036 Graz

Phone: +43 316 385 81706

Personal details

1977 born in Knittelfeld, Austria
Nationality: Austrian
Marital status: married, 2 children

Medical activity

since 2014 Senior physician at the Women’s Clinic of the Medical University of Graz, Austria

2010 – 2013 Specialist/Senior Physician at the Women’s Hospital of the University Hospital of RWTH Aachen, Germany

2004 – 2010 Assistant doctor in training to become a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, University Hospital of RWTH Aachen, Germany

2003 – 2004 Assistant doctor in further training to become a specialist, Department of Gynecological Endocrinology and Infertility Treatment, University Women’s Hospital Vienna, and teaching practice Dr. Herbert Lager, Klosterneuburg, Austria

Academic education

2016 Habilitation in gynecology and obstetrics on the topic “Clinical and pathophysiological aspects of endometriosis”

2008 Doctorate in medicine under German law at RWTH Aachen University on the subject of “Induction of labor with isosorbide mononitrate”
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. W. Rath

1999 – 2001 Medical studies at the University of Leiden, Netherlands as part of the ERASMUS exchange program

1995 – 2002 Medical studies at the University of Vienna, graduated as Doctor medicinae universae on December 19, 2002

Additional qualifications

since 2022 Advisory board member of the Endometriosis Working Group (AGEM) of the DGGG

2020 IOTA certification, Arlberg Sonography Academy, Oberlech

Re-certification for minimally invasive surgery (MIS II) by the AGE since 2020

Since 2017 Head of the Endometriosis Center at the University Hospital of the Medical University of Graz (re-certification 2023)

2016 – 2022 Coordinator FertiPROTEKT Network at the University Hospital Graz

2010 – 2013 Head of the Clinical-Scientific Endometriosis Center at the University Women’s Hospital of RWTH Aachen (together with Prof. Dr. med. Ivo Meinhold-Heerlein)

2013 Advanced Certificate for Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS II)

2009 Basic Certificate for Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIC I)

2008 – 2010 Certificate for Basic Sexuological Competence, German Society for Sexual Research (Course Director: Dr. med. Ulrike Brandenburg)

2003 – 2004 Acupuncture diploma from the Austrian Society for Acupuncture

Scholarships and awards

2008 – 2009 Scholarship for participation in the scientific rotation program of the Medical Faculty of RWTH Aachen University
Institute of Pathology, Proteomics Core Facility (Head: Prof. Dr. med. Ruth Knüchel-Clarke)

2007 – 2008 Participation in the mentoring program TANDEMplusMED for female post-doctoral students of the Medical Faculty of RWTH Aachen University

2006 2nd Prize of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
56th Congress of the DGGG, Berlin

2005 Research Prize of the German Society for Perinatal and Obstetric Medicine, DGPGM Conference, Berlin

2005 SGI President’s Presenter Award, 52nd Society for Gynecologic Investigation Meeting, Los Angeles, USA

2002 – 2005 Scholarship holder at PRO SCIENTIA, Austria. Student support organization

2002 Scholarship for scientific projects of the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna

1998 Scholarship for outstanding academic achievements for students of the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna

Organization of congresses and events

since 2023 “not the rule” Film screening and information event on endometriosis, kick-off Graz 1.3.2023, further events in the regions nationwide to implement nationwide patient care

since 2019 “Initiative BEI” Awareness of endometriosis and infertility, action days at the medical universities of Vienna, Innsbruck and Graz

2017 Member of the Scientific Board of the European Endometriosis League (EEL) for the “2nd European Congress on Endometriosis”
November 28-30, 2017, Berlin, Germany

2012 Information event “Endometriosis: Recognizing and treating.”
March 10, 2012, Aachen, Germany

2011 Postgraduate Course on Endoscopic Surgery in Gynecology
November 26-28, 2011, Cape Town, South Africa

Prof. Dr. med. M. Sillem

Current position:
Specialist in gynecology
Consultant physician at the Women’s Clinic of the University Hospital Homburg/Saar

Practice clinic at the Rosengarten
Augustaanlage 7 -11
68165 Mannheim

Tel. +49 621 12506420
E-mail: Internet:

Date of birth: 23.12.62

Study medicine
1981 – 1982 University of Mainz
1982 – 1988 University of Freiburg
1985 – 1986 University College London


1988 Medical examination
1988 Doctorate, topic: “The stumbling movement in humans – peripheral and central influences”
1993 Specialist certification
1998 Optional further training in gynecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine
2001 Habilitation and award of the Venia legendi
2003 Optional further training in special surgical gynecology


1985 DAAD – Scholarship
1993 -1994 DFG – Training grant
1996 Ludwig Fraenkel Prize of the DGGG

Clinical activity

1988 – 1990 University Women’s Clinic Göttingen
1990 – 1992 Women’s Clinic at Aschaffenburg Hospital
1992 – 1998 Heidelberg University Women’s Clinic (senior physician from 1995)
1998 – 2001 German Clinic for Diagnostics Wiesbaden
(from 1999 Head of Department)
2001 – 2003 Women’s Clinic, Clinic Aschaffenburg (Ltd. Senior Physician)
2003 – 2006 DRK Hospital Neuwied (Chief Physician)
2006 – 2012 District Hospital Emmendingen (Chief Physician)
since 2013 Practice clinic at the Rosengarten

Scientific activity

1993 -1994 Research Fellow, Jones Institute of Reproductive Medicine, Norfolk, Virginia (USA)

Other activities

Authorization to participate in statutory health insurance since 1998
2001 Seminar “Leadership and Management”
2002 Seminar “Doctors in hospital management”
2001 – 2003 Head of the quality circle “Gynecological Oncology Aschaffenburg”
2002 Training for quality circle moderators
2003 Breast sonography examination before the KV and extension of the authorization


Endometriosis Research Foundation (Board of Directors)
Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Advisory Board)
European Endometriosis Information Center
Endometriosis Association Germany (Scientific Advisory Board)
German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
German Society for Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

Former members of the Executive Board

Dr. med. Klaus Bühler
(deceased on April 4, 2023)

Member of the SEF Board of Directors since 1999
Chairman of the Executive Board of the SEF 2020 – 2023
Former Chairman
German IVF Register e.V. – DIR
Gynecologists at Staden

– Endometriosis consultation –
Bismarckstrasse 39 – 41
66121 Saarbrücken

Dr. med. Klaus Bühler,
born. on 25. 10. 1950

Specialist in gynecology, has been involved in endocrinology and reproductive medicine since 1982.
After many years of clinical work at the University Women’s Clinics in Tübingen and Essen, he initially worked as a doctor at a large IVF center in Saarbrücken.
He was then Managing Partner of the Center for Hormone Diagnostics & Endocrinology in Hamburg.
From 2001 to 2012, Dr. Bühler ran a large center for reproductive medicine and gynaecological endocrinology in Hanover-Langenhagen together with 3 other colleagues. This was certified as an endometriosis center in 2011. Since 2013, Dr. Bühler has run a specialist consultation on endometriosis at the gynaecological practice of Prof. Dr. K. Neis and Koll. in Saarbrücken and was also a member of the Fertility IVF Centre team at the Königsbau in Stuttgart until recently.

In 1989 he received the Endometriosis Research Prize from the Scientific Endometriosis Foundation. Dr. Bühler has been a member of the Deutsche Ges. f. Gynaecology and Obstetrics and the Deutsche Ges. f. Gyn. Endocrinology & Reproductive Medicine, he is on the board of the Scientific Endometriosis Foundation and is one of the advisory physicians of the German Endometriosis Self-Help Group. He was a board member of the EEIC (European Endometriosis Information Center, predecessor organization of the EEL).

1994-1998 Member of the expert commission of the Saarland Medical Association. He is a member of the European Ges. f. Reproductive Medicine & Embryology (ESHRE), the American Society of Reproductive Medicine & Embryology. f. Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and has been on the board of the European Society of Reproductive Medicine for many years. German-French languages for gyn. & Geb. (SELFAGO). He is on the editorial board of EndoZone.
He has been Chairman of the German IVF Register (DIR) since 2007;
From 2012-14 also Chairman of the Board of the Umbrella Organization for Reproductive Biology and Medicine (DVR), the association of scientific societies active in the field of reproductive disorders in Germany.

Obituary in Gynecologist 5/23

Prof. Dr. med. h.c. A.E. Schindler
(deceased on March 22, 2024)

Member of the Executive Board from 1988 – 2023
Chairman of the Executive Board of SEF 2005 – 2009
Former Director of the Women’s Clinic of the University Hospital
Former Director of the Institute for Medical Research and Continuing Education

University Hospital Essen
Hufelandstrasse 55
45147 Essen

born on 07.06.1936 in Asch
divorced, 3 children

1962 Medical state examination and doctorate, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt

1962-1964 Medical assistant at Frankfurt University Hospital and Rotating Intership 2nd General Hospital US Army Landsstuhl

1964-1966 Senior Research Fellow Ford Foundation and Volkswagenwerk Foundation, gynecological and general endocrinology

1966-1969 Specialist training in gynecology/obstetrics and gynecology. Endocrinology, Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas and basic research in gynecologic endocrinology

1969 American and German specialist certification in gynecology and obstetrics

1971 Habilitation in gynecology and obstetrics at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

1972-1985 Senior physician and managing senior physician, University Women’s Hospital Tübingen

1974 Apl-Professorship for Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Women’s Hospital Tübingen

1979 Professor (C3)

1986-2001 Professor (C4) of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Director of the Department of Gynecology, in particular Gynecological Oncology, Center for Gynecology, University Hospital Essen

1989-2001 Managing Director, Center for Gynecology, Essen University Hospital

1997-2001 Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine, Center for Gynecology, Essen University Hospital

2002- Director of the Institute for Medical Research and Continuing Education

2006 Honorary member of the Endometriosis Association Germany e.V.

Founding and foundation member of the Endometriosis Research Foundation (SEF)
Vice President of the European Endometriosis Information Center (EEIC)
Co-editor of the book “Endometriosis 2002”
Clinical and research activities in the field of endometriosis with more than 100 scientific publications, book contributions and books

Obituary in Gynecologist 6/24

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