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Endometriosis News

Here you will find the SEF’s electronic endometriosis magazine three to four times a year, which provides you with relevant news in the field of endometriosis.

If you have any questions about the articles and information or would like to make suggestions, please send an e-mail to the editorial team:


The 13th German-speaking Endometriosis Congress in Karlsruhe at the end of May was very successful and eventful with over 400 participants. The award-winning contributions from young research groups are presented in this issue. In parallel to further training and science, there was also a lot of discussion on our own behalf, which led to the founding of the Endometriosis Working Group (AGEM) in the DGGG.


Basic research – clinic – practice: this issue contains interesting and relevant articles on these three important areas. Ms. A. Starzinski-Powitz’s overview of the molecular and cellular pathogenesis of endometriosis summarizes clearly and comprehensibly what molecular biological research has revealed in recent years and how these many pieces of the mosaic fit into our current understanding of the pathogenesis of this disease.


“Quo vadis” quality assurance, training and center formation? An important question in many areas of gynecology. With regard to endometriosis, it will play a central role at the upcoming annual conference in Weissensee, which is being planned and chaired by Prof. Dr. Jörg Keckstein together with PD Dr. Martin Sillem. This issue also focuses on these problems.


As controversial as ever! Pathogenesis: Last year, P. Viagano (2017) from P. Vercellini’s group published an article entitled: “It is time to redefine endometriosis”. This was essentially based on morphological findings that show …


I am convinced that people are overwhelmed by the results of their performance. (Günter Grass). If we look at the development of surgical endoscopy through to robotic surgery over the last 10 years, we are undoubtedly impressed by the tremendous progress made in surgical technology. Unprecedented resolution and sharpness …


What medicines do not cure, the knife cures. What the knife does not cure, modern reproduction technology cures” is how we modified Hippocrates’ almost 2400-year-old saying when we published the first issue of “Endometriosis News”. Since then, 6 years have passed, whereby after the initial euphoria and the initial successes in the last two years ….


The sixth issue of “Endometriose aktuell” is dedicated to the topics of neuropelveology and scoring of endometriosis. Ten years of discussions about ENZIAN and other scoring systems have passed. As in previous issues, other contents include congress reports and literature reviews. We hope that you can all look back on a good 2012…


The 5th edition of “Endome-triose Aktuell” is dedicated in particular to the contents of this year’s working meeting at Lake Weissensee, where the weather was fine but the quality of the ice was rather poor, so nothing stood in the way of a particularly labor-intensive and therefore productive meeting. The focus …


The 4th edition of “Endometriose Aktuell” and its editorial team would first like to take the opportunity to thank all readers and contributors for their interest and cooperation. The year has only just begun – which is why this issue is dedicated to …


The third issue of “Endometriose aktuell” would like to inform you about the key points of this year’s SEF conference at Weissensee (Austria) and convey them in a condensed form – Prof. Jörg Keckstein (Villach) wrote the corresponding article as congress secretary. Since the participants have changed only slightly on the outside, we have …


Following the consistently positive response to the first issue of “Endometriose Aktuell”, we are pleased to once again provide you with current papers on the topic, as well as an overview of conferences that have taken place and comments on recent publications. With this in mind, the editorial team would like to thank all the authors…


As controversial as ever! Pathogenesis: Last year, P. Viagano (2017) from P. Vercellini’s group published an article entitled: “It is time to redefine endometriosis”. This was mainly based on morphological findings, …

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