
From August 1, 2016, the certification process will be carried out by EuroEndoCert GmbH on behalf of SEF and EEL.
For details see www.euroendocert.de

The SEF has carried out the certification since 2006 together with the EEL (European Endometriosis League) and the EVD (Endometriosis Association Germany e.V.) in Austria and the EVA (Endometriosis Association Austria) in Switzerland with cantonal self-help groups. Conditions and procedure below. As of August 1, 2016, EuroEndoCert GmbH took over the implementation of the certification process on behalf of SEF and EEL. For details see www.euroendocert.de

Certification process for the recognition of endometriosis centers

1. requesting the data entry forms via the website: www.euroendocert.de first make a preliminary request and then download the data entry forms from this website

2. complete the data entry forms in all respects. Have all cooperation partners sign! Then submit it to EuroEndoCert together with the necessary attachments.

3 EuroEndoCert sends these to 2 members of the certification commission and informs the representative of the self-help groups.

4. after review, the members of the commission issue statements and the auditors appointed arrange an audit date with the center to be audited. The medical audit is usually carried out by two auditors.

5. a written report with an assessment is submitted after the audit. The applicant center will be notified of the result of the assessment. Also a list of possible improvements. If the vote is positive, the date, place and type of presentation of the certificates will be agreed. In the event of a negative vote, deficiencies and suggestions for improvement are formulated. Once the criticized points have been eliminated and after a possible new audit, a new assessment is carried out.

Step-by-step concept of the Scientific Endometriosis Foundation for recognition as a certified endometriosis center
(For current detailed information, please refer to the download at the bottom of this page)
Endometriosis practice (formerly Center Level I; corresponds to the “Endometriosis Consultation Hour” according to the DGGG guidelines) Part of an endometriosis network Participation in an endometriosis quality circle or similar further training Examination, sonography and consultation under one roof Openness to complementary therapeutic approaches (pain therapy, acupuncture, etc.) Support of the patient in administrative measures (rehab application, etc.) Basic statistics (case numbers, N.80) Data) Cooperation with the Endometriosis Association Germany e.V.

Endometriosis clinic (formerly level II center; corresponds to the “endometriosis unit” according to the DGGG guidelines) includes, in addition to level I, invasive diagnostics surgical treatment options minimum quantity regulation interdisciplinary cooperation (at least: pathology, radiology, abdominal surgery, urology) documentation obligation with differentiated annual statistics cooperation with level I as a partner in the endometriosis network. Proof of qualification of the head of the center (CME training, publications and lectures on endometriosis, etc.)

Endometriosis center (formerly level III) includes in addition to level II Organization of an endometriosis network Organization of a quality circle: Endometriosis or related topic Cooperation with a: Reproductive medicine center b: Pain outpatient clinic c. Rehabilitation facility Rehabilitation facility Organization of the annual report for the own center and, if possible, for the entire network Information events for physicians and laypersons Integration of the topic “endometriosis” into the training curriculum for assistants Participation in research projects on endometriosis and own research projects Membership in the scientific advisory board of the SEF (one medical member of the center) Each center must confirm or update the following information every six months: 1. name of the doctor who is the primary contact person and his/her possible deputy. 2. telephone number for appointments in the endometriosis consultation. 3. fax number and e-mail for the transmission of findings and written inquiries. Rehabilitation facilities are certified without the step-by-step concept being applied. From 2006, anyone interested can apply to the SEF for recognition as a certified endometriosis center. From 1. 8. 2016, EuroEndoCert took over the implementation of the certification on behalf of the SEF and EEL. (see www.euroendocert.de).

The current criteria for certification of the various levels of the endometriosis center level concept can be found here.
and the guideline-compliant pain questionnaire at: Pain questionnaire anamnesis

The current surgery list for recording the operated cases and their surgeons can be found here (only necessary if less than 200 cases per year are operated on in the center)

The recording of endometriosis patients treated is mandatory for certified endometriosis centers and must be submitted to EuroEndoCert as summation statistics in the annual report by 31 March of the following year (by e-mail to gf@euroendocert.de).

For a certified endometriosis practice, the number of patients treated annually and the number of referrals/referrals for surgery, pain therapy and fertility treatment is sufficient. Of course, the minimum data set can also be recorded as an option.

In the case of a certified endometriosis clinic and an endometriosis center, a minimum data set must be recorded for each patient (see download “Indicator sheet” below), the items of which must be recorded as summation statistics in the format of an Excel spreadsheet (xlsx format or csv format) by March 31 of each year. of the following year with the annual report to the SEF secretariat.

The key figure sheet (=minimum data set) describes and defines exactly what has to be in each row and column when the data is reported to the SEF as part of the annual report.

Note: Headings also need a line! and: the item number. is ALWAYS in column A. These are NOT numbered consecutively, but individual blocks always start with a number in the tens (so you can make changes later and not always rewrite the whole table) and there are a few numbers with “a” or “b” as a suffix! The description is ALWAYS in column B! The number in column C (or further back)

As an example, a completed annual statistic, as it is to be submitted, can be downloaded below.

Outcome monitoring: The questions that must be asked of each patient for quality control purposes 1 year after the end of treatment were specified in Weissensee 2016 (see download “ReCall questions” below)

Software requirements: In principle, it does not matter which software is used to collect the data and compile the annual statistics. However, in order to be approved by the SEF, the programs must meet certain minimum requirements (see download no. 4 below)

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